Steven Kang – PwC Korea

Steven is the Capital Markets Group Leader in Korea. In this capacity, Steven is involved in assisting companies on inbound and outbound IPOs and capital market transactions within PwC Korea. As the Korean Capital Market Group Leader, he is involved in all inbound IPO engagements of foreign companies into the Korean stock exchange and outbound IPO engagements of Korean companies going abroad.
His recent clients include US Company listing in Korea (Englewood LAB), Indonesian Company P KIPO (in progress). His other KIPO clients include companies from China, Australia, and NZ. Steven started his career at PwC Australia and has extensive experience in cross border IPOs and transactions, including various services with multinational clients including Samsung Electronics US 144A Bond Offering, Samsung Life Insurance IPO, KB Financial 144A Bond Offering, IBK 144A MTN, and many Chinese, US, NZ and Australian companies IPO in Korea, and many Korean companies IPO in US and HK.
Steven is also the leader of the Global Client Services Group, a multi-disciplinary services group that is crossed between assurance, transactions services and financial advisory services, responsible for serving companies with cross border transactions.